jueves, 5 de abril de 2012


Os recuerdo lo que tenéis que prepararos para el examen de recuperación de  1º Bachillerato.

Para dicho examen tenéis que repasar  todo 1º Bachillerato, pero sobre todo:


-          Appearance: tall, short, fat, slim, attractive, handsome, ugly, average, hair (curly, straight, wavy), etc

-          Personality:  friendly, confident, mean, etc

-          Holidays: hotel, caravan, bed & breakfast, pocket knife, binoculars, travel guide, etc

-          Sports: bungee jumping, climbing, scuba diving, kick, bounce, court, pitch, etc

-          Environment: pollutants, recycle, smoke,  toxic waste, environmentally-friendly, exhaust fumes, renewable energy,  global warming, conservation, etc

-          Communication: keep in touch, bilingual, slang, mother tongue, discuss, translate, fluent, etc

-          Culture: pop culture multicultural culture shock cultural events cultural taboo, etc

-          Technology: crash websites insert the disc user-friendly computer literate
mouse virtual reality click on an icon virus go online
, etc

-          Literature and mass media


-          Tenses: present simple, present continuous, past simple, past continuous, present perfect simple and past perfect simple, and future (simple, be going to, continuous and perfect)

-          Infinitive or Gerund

-          Passive Voice

-          Indirect Speech

-          Conditional Clauses

-          Relative Clauses

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Buena suerte.

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