martes, 12 de junio de 2012


Talking About Money Banks And Crisis

The European sovereign debt crisis has been created by a combination of complex factors such as: the globalization of finance; easy credit conditions during the 2002-2008 period that encouraged high-risk lending and borrowing practices; international trade imbalances; real-estate bubbles that have since burst; slow growth economic conditions 2008 and after; fiscal policy choices related to government revenues and expenses; and approaches used by nations to bailout troubled banking industries and private bondholders, assuming private debt burdens or socializing losses.

El banco: bank
rico: rich
Pobre: poor
Caro: expensive
Prestar: lend
Burbuja inmobiliaria: real-estate bubbles
El dinero: money
Recesión: recession
El cheque: bank check/cheque
La tarjeta de débito: debit card
La tarjeta de crédito: credit card
El pago: payment
Propina: tip
Abrir una cuenta: to open an account
La sucursal: branch
Problema de liquidez: liquidity problem
El cajero/La cajera: teller, cashier
El cajero automático: ATM machine, cash point
La libreta de ahorro: bank book
La cuenta: account
Presupuesto: budget
Invertir en: invest on
La bolsa: Stock Exchange
Cerrar una cuenta: to close an account
Los ahorros: savings
Los inversores: investors
Las deudas: debts
El consumo de capitalismo: consumer capitalism
El banquero/La banquera: banker
El retiro: withdrawal
Retirar dinero: to withdraw
Ingresar dinero: to put money in, to deposit money
El billete: bill, note
Gastar dinero: spend money
La caja de ahorros: savings bank
Las decisiones de los prestamos excesivos: excessive lending decisions
El interés: interest
En efectivo: in cash
A plazos: on credit
En quiebra/bancarrota: bankrupt
La chequera/El talonario: check/cheque book
El cheque de viajero: traveller’s check/cheque
La cuenta conjunta: joint account
La cuenta de ahorros: savings account
La inversión: investment
Invertir: to invest
Los fondos: funds
Los mercados de valores se desplomaron / estrellaron / hundieron / en picada, uno tras otro: stock markets plummeted/crashed/plunged/nose-dived one after another.
El préstamo: loan
Bienes personales: personal assets.
Solicitar un préstamo: to ask for a loan
La transferencia bancaria: bank transfer
El depósito: deposit
La hipoteca: mortgage
La crisis de las hipotecas: mortgage crisis
Deuda deuda de la economía: debt-driven economy
El tipo de interés: interest rate
El seguro: insurance
El estado de cuenta: account statement
La caja de caudales/caja fuerte: safe
Las finanzas: finances
Financiero/a: financial
El beneficio: profit
Plan de rescate: bailout plan
Las ganancias: earnings
Los gastos: expenses
El rendimiento: yield yild, return
El rendimiento alto: high yield/return
El rendimiento bajo: low yield/return
Coste: cost
El dividendo: dividend
Los ingresos: income, revenue
Los ingresos netos: net income
Los ingresos brutos: gross income
Los ingresos devengados: earned income
Los ingresos imponibles: taxable income
Los ingresos medios: average income
El certificado de depósito: certificate of deposit
El sistema bancario: banking system
El pago domiciliado: direct debit/billing
El mercado de valores: stock market
La bolsa de valores: stock exchange
Acaudalado (con mucho dinero): Wealthy

Spain is struggling with a recession. More than one in five Spaniards are out of work. The unemployment rate is the highest of the seventeen nations that use the euro.....

Spain is in dire economic straits, prompting fears it may need a bailout similar to those requested by Greece, Ireland and Portugal. It is in recession, and unemployment stands at almost 25% - the highest among the 17 countries using the euro. One in two Spaniards under 25 are out of work. Prime minister Mariano Rajoy's conservative government has enacted deep spending cuts to reduce the national debt, but many people blame those measures for deepening families' financial plight. READ THIS ARTICLE FROM THE INDEPENDENT
To calm euro zone debt crisis fears, the Spanish conservative government plans to axe ten billion euros in spending on health and education to meet a deficit reduction target.
The ruling PP has an absolute majority in the national parliament, and new rules are in place which will let Madrid take control of budgets in autonomous regions that do not get behind the austerity drive starting next month.“We need to carry out reforms to fulfil our deficit objectives. Our revenues, and therefore our resources, have fallen,” said Deputy Prime Minister Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría. READ THIS ARTICLE FROM EURONEWS

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